hello mate this is ismail
I hope all of you doing good
SO ..this is the first lesson of translation
is talking about the definition of translation
according to 5 experts

 : definition and kinds of translation 

:  - According to Brislin -1976 

translation is a general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language to another ,whether the language is in written or oral form 

 Another expert,Wilss -1981 - :  

states that translation is a transfer process which   aims at the transformation of a written source language language text -S.L.T- into an optimally equivalent target  language text -T.L.T- , and which requires  -

the syntactic , the semantic,and the pragmatic understanding and analytical . processing of the source text syntactic.syntactic understanding is related to style and meaning .understanding of semantics is meaning related to activity.Finally ,pragmatic understanding is related to the message or implication of a sentence.

 : -NIDA and TABER - 1982-  

see translating as a process of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message ,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style .In other words 

translation is a transfer of meaning ,message ,and style from one S.L.T to the T.L.T.  In the order of priority ,style is put the last

: - Newmark- 1991-

defines the act of translating very briefly . It is the act of transferring meaning of a 

stretch or a unit of language , the whole or a part , from one language to another 

clik here to see the second lecture

thank you ma mates ♥ love u
good luck 

ismail souissi
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كاتب ومحرر اخبار اعمل في موقع University Students Of English .

جديد قسم : Translation

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